Google Analytics Cookies

Description Google Analytics (GA) has developed an extremely sophisticated methodology for tracking site visits, user activity, and paid search. Since GA is largely free, it has a commanding share of the market, estimated at over 80% of sites using traffic analysis and over 50% of all sites.

__utma – Unique visitors

  • Domain Hash
  • Visitor ID
  • Cookie Creation Time
  • Time of 2nd most recent visit
  • Time of most recent visit
  • Number of visits

__utmb – Session tracking

  • Domain hash
  • Page views in current session
  • Outbound link clicks
  • Time current session started

__utmz – Traffic sources

  • Domain Hash
  • Last Update time
  • Number of visits
  • Number of different types of visits
  • Source used to access site
  • Google Adwords campaign name
  • Access Method (organic, referral, cpc, email, direct)
  • Keyword used to find site (non-SSL only)

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