This workshop covers the fundamentals of Windows Forensics. Get hands-on experience by capturing a triage image of your own computer and learn about common Windows artifacts.

What you'll learn

What you'll need

What is Windows Forensics

Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) investigation scenarios often revolve around answering a specific question. That's exactly where Windows Forensics comes into play. Windows Forensics is the process of analyzing Windows artifacts to determine what happened in the past.

Why should I learn Windows Forensics?

Whether you're a seasoned veteran within the infosec community or just a computer hobbyist, there is value in understanding how Windows operates and being able to articulate what occurred on an endpoint based on breadcrumbs that are left by the Operating System. After all, Windows doesn't leave artifacts behind to improve the quality of life for forensic analysts, it leaves them behind to improve the user experience. Have you ever wondered how Windows is able to remember the last word document you opened, how it knows to warn you that the file you downloaded was from the Internet, or why that executable seems to run faster the second time you launch it? Windows Forensics will not only teach you about those features, but also teach you how to take advantage of that knowledge to discover events that occurred in the past.

Windows Artifacts

We can classify a Windows artifact as something that can be examined for forensic value. When performing forensics, we don't always need to get a full disk image of the system being analyzed. In-fact, in most circumstances you can get away with only collecting a few key Windows artifacts and you will still be able to answer all the questions necessary to solve your problem.

Windows Registry

The Windows Registry is essentially a database that contains configuration information not only for the underlying Operating System but also for the users that interact with it. Fortunately for us, the data contained within the Windows registry can be easily extracted and analyzed. Without a doubt, it's one of the most important Windows artifacts at our disposal. In this workshop, we'll take a look at how the Windows Registry functions, learn about its core concepts, and most importantly, learn how to take advantage of the data stored within it to conduct our forensic analysis.

Event Logs

Windows keeps track of a variety of status messages for several different applications and services provided by the Operating System. These status messages include errors, warnings, and informational events. If you have ever tried to sift through the seemingly mountains of data within the Windows Event logs, then you may understand why some people who routinely interact with them tend to develop a love/hate relationship. Luckily for us, when conducting forensics, we normally don't have to dive into anything blindly. We're usually trying to answer a very specific question and as a result, we will discuss various methods of using built-in features within the Windows Event viewer to help filter out the noise and quickly identify our needle in the haystack.


The Windows registry is a hierarchical database that allows applications and system components to store and retrieve configuration data. This data is critical for the operation of Windows and the applications and services that run on Windows. You can access the Windows Registry on a live windows system using regedit.exe.

Keys, Subkeys, and Values

In the image below I've expanded the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) key, which contains multiple subkeys with subkeys of their own. I browsed to the HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS key, which contains information related to my workstation's BIOS configuration.

Value Types

The data inside of the Windows Registry can be stored in various formats [2]. Some common data types include:




Binary data in any form.


A 32-bit number.


A 64-bit number.


A null-terminated string.

Keys of Interest

There is a lot of data in the Windows Registry, but these keys in particular contain the most forensic value and are the keys you will be interacting with most.

Registry Key



Configuration Information for the Currently Logged on User.


Security Account Manager Database




Configuration Information for the Workstation.

In this lab, we're going to explore the Windows Registry on your computer and get a hands-on look at the structure and other common nomenclatures that you will encounter when performing registry forensics. I will ask you to perform a task, followed by a series of questions. Don't worry if you don't know the answer immediately, but try your best to hypothesize the answer. Well review the questions at the end of the lab.


Using the run dialog box, open regedit.exe.

Task 1:

In regedit.exe, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

Task 2:

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU.

Task 3:


Task 4:

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName

Task 1 | Review:

This registry location is classified as an ASEP or Auto-Start Extensibility Point and is one of many locations in the registry where data is stored that will execute automatically on Windows start-up. In this case, the data stored in this key will execute whenever the currently logged in user logs into the workstation. It's a legitimate functionality that's often abused by attackers to achieve persistence on a compromised endpoint.

Task 2 | Review:

This key stores strings that have been entered in the run dialog box. This is how Windows is able to keep track of your previous searches when using Run.exe. An MRUList is a concept you will frequently encounter in the registry when working with a value that stores multiple data-points. It stands for Most Recently Used List and keeps track of the order that data has been stored in the key. My MRUList in the screenshot above is: lkbjihgfdeca, meaning that "l" or "regedit.exe" was the last value stored in the key.

Task 3 | Review:

This key stores information about which ControlSet is currently active and being utilized by the Operating System. HKLM\System stores data that's critical for your computer to operate properly, and it's not uncommon to encounter multiple ControlSets such as ControlSet001/ControlSet002, especially when you're performing forensics on older versions of Windows. In those situations you will want to reference HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Select to identify which ControlSet is active. Why would there be multiple ControlSets? Well, the LastKnownGood key might be a hint. It's to improve system reliability.

Task 4 | Review:

This value lists the Computer Name of the system you're analyzing and is stored in a string format.

Online vs Offline

Thus far, we've discussed how to interact with the Windows Registry on a live system. However, when performing forensics, we're almost never going to be working directly with the system we are analyzing and instead will be working off some type of disk image. So the question is, how can we analyze the registry from an offline system?

Registry Hives

The Windows Registry is actually composed of multiple databases stored on the file system known as Registry Hives. These hives contain the keys, subkeys, and values that make up the Windows Registry and loaded into memory when the operating system is started or when a user logs in. [3]

Registry Hive

Supporting Files











In addition to the Registry Hives, there are also some supporting files that you need to be aware of, specifically .log files. .log files are transaction logs that keep track of changes to the keys and values stored in the hive. The corresponding Registry Hives are periodically updated with these changes. These files are located in the same directory next to their corresponding Registry Hive and contain the same name plus the .log file extension. You will need to enable View -> Hidden Items to see them.

In an upcoming lab, we'll learn about a utility we can use to analyze these files offline.


Windows utilizes event logging to provide a standard and centralized way for applications and services to record important software and hardware events. The event logging service records events from various sources and stores them in a single collection called an event log. [4] These logs are stored on the file system in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\winevt\Logs.

To view these logs on a live system, we can search for Event Viewer in the start menu or enter eventvwr into the run dialog box.

Event Log Structure

When interacting with Windows Event Viewer, you may have noticed that the event logs are structured into two main categories: Windows Logs and Application and Service Logs.

Windows Logs

Applications and Services Logs

These logs are often referred to as "Custom Logs". In addition to a variety of useful logs that are baked into a traditional installation of Windows such as logs pertaining to PowerShell, RDP, and Task Scheduler. This is where you can point your custom application to store logs.

Event Types

Before we jump into the lab, it's important to understand what types of events are logged. Understanding the type of event will help you interpret whether or not the action was successful. [5]

Event Type



An event that is not necessarily significant, but may indicate a possible future problem. For example, when disk space is low, a Warning event is logged. If an application can recover from an event without loss of functionality or data, it can generally classify the event as a Warning event.


An event that describes the successful operation of an application, driver, or service. For example, when a network driver loads successfully, it may be appropriate to log an Information event. Note that it is generally inappropriate for a desktop application to log an event each time it starts.

Success Audit

An event that records an audited security access attempt that is successful. For example, a user's successful attempt to log on to the system is logged as a Success Audit event.

Failure Audit

An event that records an audited security access attempt that is successful. For example, a user's successful attempt to log on to the system is logged as a Success Audit event.

As we discussed earlier in our workshop, we don't need to capture a full disk image to perform forensics. In this lab, we're going to use a fantastic utility: Kroll's Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) to capture a triage image.

To get started, register with KROLL to download KAPE via the link below:


Once downloaded, unzip the downloaded file and execute the GUI version of KAPE: gkape.exe.

To capture a triage image with KAPE:

In this lab, we're going to review Windows event logs within Event Viewer to get a better understanding of how to query for specific events of interest and how to properly interpret them. Specifically, we will walk through some of the more frequent windows authentication events that are most likely to be relevant in a forensic investigation.

Task 1: Can we identify your last Console logon?

Windows logon events can give us very specific information regarding the nature of account authorizations on a system, presuming that we know where to look and how to decipher the logs. In addition to telling us the Date, Time, Username, Hostname, and Success/Failure status of an attempted logon, we can also determine exactly how a logon was attempted.

Within Windows Explorer, browse to the output directory from your KAPE triage image and double-click the Security.evtx file from C:\Windows\System32\winevt\logs\. The Security.evtx logs should automatically be opened with the Saved Logs section of Event Viewer. You can replicate this method to analyze any offline .evtx file.

Select the newly imported Security log within Event Viewer and then select Filter Current Log ... to narrow your results to only show Event ID: 4624.

Browse through the results and try to familiarize yourself with the event. Windows generates a 4624 event for every successful logon attempt to the local computer. You might notice this event isn't limited to only your user account. There are numerous other authentication events that happen behind the scenes, particularly from Windows service logins.

In order to find the last time you logged into your workstation via the console, as in directly logging into your computer from a keyboard/mouse. We're going to have to identify a specific Logon Type. As I briefly highlighted in the introduction of this task, a 4624 event doesn't just capture who logged in, but it also gives us some insight into how someone logged in. Below is a table listing out the different types of login's tracked by 4624.

Logon Type



Logon via Console


Network Logon


Batch Logon


Windows Service Logon


Credentials used to Unlock Screen


Network Logon sending Credentials


Different Credentials used than Logged on User


Remote Interactive Logon (RDP)


Cached Credentials used to Logon


Cached Remote Interactive (Similar to Type 10)


Cached Unlock (Similar to Type 7)

Scroll through the list of 4624 events and see if you are able to identify any console logins for your user account. If not, what kind of login types were you able to find?

For more information on this particular event in addition to more advanced tips and tricks for filtering your results. I encourage you to check out this entry within my Windows Artifact Database:

Task 2: Are you as bad at Typing as me?

We learned how to analyze successful logins, but what about the bad ones?

Select the recently imported Security log within Event Viewer and then select Filter Current Log ... to narrow your results to only show Event ID: 4625.

This event logs unsuccessful logon attempts. In addition to providing us with a Logon Type, it also provides us with a status code, detailing the failure reason. For more information on how to interpret these status codes, I recommend bookmarking in your web browser of choice. The author of this website has created an excellent knowledge base documenting various Windows security log events, and it's my go-to resource when wanting additional context on what a particular event is telling me.

In my example below, the Failure Reason states that my login failed either due to a bad username or a bad password. To find out exactly why it failed, we have to translate the hexadecimal Status and Sub Status codes. To do this, reference Ultimate Window Security's research on Event ID: 4625.

In this lab, we're going to learn how to analyze extracted Registry Hives. To get started, download and unzip the latest version of Registry Explorer from Eric Zimmerman.

Registry Explorer

We're going to use the GUI utility Registry Explorer.exe to analyze your extracted hives. To get started:

Similar to the other labs in this workshop, I'm going to ask you to perform a task, followed by a series of questions. In this case, we will be reviewing different artifacts in the registry and will start to put together a better idea about how useful the Windows Registry can be when performing forensic analysis. Don't worry if you are unable to answer all of the questions. We will review each task at the end of the lab.

Task: Exploring the SAM Database

In Registry Explorer, load the SAM hive and navigate to: SAM\Domains\Account\Users.

Task: Anybody got a Watch handy?

In Registry Explorer, load the SYSTEM hive and navigate to SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation​.

Task: How may I Serve you?

Within the SYSTEM hive, navigate to SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.

Task: How Long have I been Here?​

In Registry Explorer, load the SOFTWARE hive, navigate to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion.

Task: What's the WiFi Password?​

Within the SOFTWARE hive, navigate to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList​.

Task: Who needs Cortana?

In Registry Explorer, load the NTUSER.DAT hive, navigate to NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WordWheelQuery​.

Task: Did you open that Super Secret File?​

Within the NTUSER.DAT hive, navigate to NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs.

Task: Who is ‎Mark Russinovich?​

Within the NTUSER.DAT hive, navigate to NTUSER\Software\Sysinternals.

Task: Saving the Best for Last

Before we close out this workshop. I want to showcase a quality of life feature within Registry Explorer that you can utilize to speed up your future investigations. With your Registry Hives still loaded, select the Available bookmarks tab. The majority of these keys are leveraging plug-ins to parse the data and present it in a more easily digestible format. This feature allows you to quickly locate keys of forensic interest. Before you finish this workshop, browse through some of the keys and take notes on anything that captures your interest!

Task Review | Exploring the SAM Database

The Security Account Manager (SAM) is a database that is present on computers running Windows operating systems that stores user accounts and security descriptors for users on the local computer. [6] Registry Explorer utilizes a plug-in to populate the SAM\Domains\Account\Users key with all the information we need to conduct our analysis and profile the local users on the workstation.

Task Review | Anybody got a Watch handy?

The SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation key keeps track of the computer's time configuration settings. It's always a good idea to identify local time on a system before conducting your analysis to ensure that you're capturing the proper timestamps during an investigation. After capturing the local timestamp, you need to identify whether your tools are displaying local time or taking it upon themselves to automatically convert the local timestamp to UTC.

Task Review | How may I Serve you?

The SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services key keeps track of Windows Services and their configuration details.

Task Review | How Long have I been Here?

The SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion key contains information about the Windows installation, including key details such as the Operating System install date, version number, build number, etc.

Task Review | What's the WiFi Password?

The SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList contains information about what networks your computer has connected to.

Task Review | Who needs Cortana?

The NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WordWheelQuery keeps track of keyword searches in Windows. As highlighted in the original task: In Windows 7, the WordWheelQuery keeps track of keyword searches from the start menu.

In Windows 10, the WordWheelQuery keeps track of searches within Windows Explorer. For more information regarding this artifact, reference this entry in my Windows Artifact Database:

Task Review | Did you open that Super Secret File?

The NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs key will track the last files and folders opened and is used to populate data in "Recent" menus of the Start menu. For more information regarding this artifact, reference this entry in my Windows Artifact Database:

Task Review | Who is Mark Russinovich?​

The NTUSER\Software\Sysinternals is a unique registry key that keeps track of different properties regarding the Windows Sysinternals tool suite. You can learn more about Windows Sysinternals here: This key can be very valuable during a forensic investigation as attackers are more commonly starting to leverage a technique classified as Living off the Land. Relying on trusted applications and protocols that are already commonly utilized in your environment to exploit your network as opposed to uploading custom tools.

Task Review | Saving the Best for Last

You have to learn how to walk before you run is an idiom that you will experience first hand over and over in the field of Cyber Security. As you continue your pursuit of knowledge and learning about more and more tools that make your life easier along the way. I encourage you to keep asking questions to ensure that you understand the core concepts about how something functions behind the scenes even as various tools/utilities continue to emerge that make your life as a forensic investigator easier and easier.

Congratulations, you've successfully completed your first Windows Forensics workshop!

You received a sneak peak at the art of Windows Forensics, but this tutorial was only scratching the surface. I encourage you to take your new found skills and continue your pursuit of knowledge. Be on the lookout for additional tutorials coming in the near future.

What's next?

Now that you have a basic understanding of Windows Forensics, I encourage you to check out my Windows Artifact Database and experiment with additional forensic techniques using the triage image you captured in this workshop.